
My pinboard bookmarks go back all the way to 2004.

(That’s not fully correct, I used delicious before and imported when I switched to pinboard.)

I’ve also been trying to come up with something that I could write about on a daily basis.

Since I need to go through all those old bookmarks anyway

I decided to go through them in chronological order

and write about them while doing so.

More strictly:

Every day

I will check the oldest (unchecked) bookmark

and delete it (because it is broken, I don’t know why I saved it or I don’t care about the topic anymore)

or keep it and write about it.

I’ll repeat that until I have kept and written about 1-5 bookmarks.

Sounds like a perfect goal which could easily be tracked using the dots.

Not sure yet how to sort and format,

but for now I’ll add one page per year.

Go to the bookmarks page for an overview.



Copyright © 2011-2017: All rights reserved by Andy Seven