Febuary 2013


Another month with just a single post Ultra Minimal

telling you about the mode my life is in right now.

Reducing down to the absolute bare essentials sound hard,

but actually it’s quite relieving

and helps to focus on the most important things.


After a total tracking breakdown last month

my confidence in this month’ tracking is really high.

Flexible spending was 1648.74.

Weeks were: 298, 534, 266, 624, 167.

I spent quite a lot on the new flat.

Mostly on tools and minor stuff (e.g. screws).

I also spent far to much on “toys”, but my paperwork workflow

improved a lot (I’ll write about that later).

The new job keeps me very busy,

but I got my first salary;

And was very pleasantly surprised.

Since I didn’t work in january my projected yearly income is

lower than I had thought, so my taxes for this month are also lower.

That leaves me with nearly 300 quid more than I expected.

This is also the first month with full fixed tracking.

Fixed spending was 2584.68

Post tax income was 6473.76 (including the week in january).

So this month resulted in an overall plus of 2240.

Not too bad, but january was quite bad with no income at all.


I’m totally swamped with work.

The company is on very solid financial ground,

but the technology is spit and chewing gum.

Well, nothing that can’t be fixed … if I have enough time.


Survive the next month.

Improve the new place.

Fix the company 😉

Tell you about the current state of all my debts. :(

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